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Kirkcudbright Red Squirrel Group

The Full Story

The Kirkcudbright Red Squirrel Group was formed to preserve and improve the habitat for our Red Squirrel population, to ensure they remain a part of Scotland’s stunning native wildlife, and to address the threat from the invading Grey Squirrels.

In conjunction with Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels (SSRS) and other local groups, we will work with the local community to monitor and conserve our presently healthy Red Squirrel population which is increasingly under pressure from encroaching Grey Squirrels. With the help of local volunteers, we will be participating in the spring survey work in the central Stewartry area. The data collected will be returned to SSRS to form part of a Scotland wide survey and published on their website:

Only by closely monitoring both Red and Grey Squirrels can the effects of conservation measures be seen to be effective. Sightings of Red and Grey Squirrels can be reported to the SSRS website. If you see a grey squirrel in the Stewartry area please report it to

Alongside vital conservation work, the project is focussing on engaging with local communities and individuals, inspiring them to take action to protect Red Squirrels where they live. Educating the next generation is essential and to that end, we have built a Red Squirrel and bird watching hide in the Barhill Woods which we hope will encourage local children to get involved. Visits by local schools will be arranged and a leaflet will be produced to encourage tourists to visit the area to use the hide and increase footfall in the town. Community action is the key to long-term, sustainable Red Squirrel conservation in Scotland, with the added benefit of connecting more people with the nature on their doorstep.

We will not be able to ensure the future of the Red Squirrel without the support of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who can give a little time to help. There will be many ways to get involved in the project, from woodland surveys to helping with administrative work to volunteering your time at events. The blunt end of the work will be Grey Squirrel control but not everybody will want to get involved – if you do want to volunteer for this as well let us know.

To find out more about volunteering opportunities in our area, contact us below or telephone

Rob Asbridge 07771 908397

Red Squirrel Forum for South Scotland

©2024 by Red Squirrel Forum for South Scotland

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