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Terms of Reference

Red Squirrel Forum for South Scotland (RSFSS; hereafter ‘The Forum’)


1.   Goal

To promote the long-term conservation of red squirrel populations in South Scotland through concerted and sustainable volunteer action.


2.   Functions

a)   Networking to facilitate beneficial cooperation between its constituent volunteer Squirrel Groups/Networks (SGNs), relevant funded projects and other interested parties in South Scotland and Northern England.

 b)   Acting as an umbrella body to represent the views of its SGN volunteers in regional, national and UK-wide meetings and discussions about red squirrel conservation.

 c)   Providing information and local contacts at public events, via news media and on the internet.


3.   Organisation

a)   The membership consists of all volunteers registered by its constituent SGNs.

 b)   The Forum Board, consisting of at least one representative from each of its SGNs, oversees its operation and advises the Chair. SGN representatives take soundings from their volunteers to inform Board discussions and keep them acquainted with Board decisions and activities.

 c)   The position of Chair rotates amongst SGN representatives, with an automatic opportunity for change at the start of each calendar year.

 d)   The Forum does not seek or hold any funds, deferring to one of its SGNs as a proxy if necessary.


4.   Meetings

a)   Board meetings are held as required, with discussions normally being conducted electronically.

 b)   The Chair or a nominee attends all meetings of the Red Squirrels in South Scotland Advisory Group (a gathering of regional stakeholders), to represent the Forum and its SGNs.

 c)   There is an annual general meeting and may be other general meetings as required, open to all SGN volunteers.


Red Squirrel Forum for South Scotland

©2025 by Red Squirrel Forum for South Scotland

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